Venetian Snares - My Downfall (Original Soundtrack) (2007) [FLAC]

1 Colorless
2 The Hopeless Pursuit Of Remission
3 Holló Utca 2
4 Room 379
5 Integraation
6 Holló Utca 5
7 Holló Utca 3
8 My Half
9 Holló Utca 4
10 My Crutch
11 I'm Sorry I Failed You
12 Picturesque Pit
13 If I Could Say I Love You
14 Mentioning It


Anonymous - 8 years 9 months ago

link is dead..

Anonymous - 8 years 8 months ago

Thanks!! great website btw.
p.s. i just saw the report bad link button, i'll use that next time.

admin - 8 years 9 months ago

check it now

admin - 14 years 10 months ago

This is a seriously good album. No bones about it, one of the best VS releases ever. It would always have to be pretty good to be a follow-up to 'Rossz...' and Mr. Funk certainly excelled with this album
The whole album is full of despair and sadness, tracks like 'The Hopeless Pursuit of Remission' set the tone for the entire album. There are no vocals here, only music. Classical pieces intertwined with breakcore, most notably on the incredible track 'Integraation' and 'My Half'.
The further you get through the album the more filled with sorrow it becomes. The final 4 tracks are among the most beautiful pieces of music I've heard, starting off with 'I'm Sorry I Failed You' through the short 'Picturesque Pit' and into 'If I Could Say I Love You' which has to be the most sombre, tear-jerkingly sad track I have ever heard. Seriously, it's hard to fight back the odd tear or two when listening to that

Anonymous - 8 years 9 months ago

but thanks for all the other uploads!!